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The Biggest Lie Told During Obama’s Gun Control Speech

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During President Obama’s recent and ridiculous speech on how he would soon be attempting to destroy our liberty, he dropped what may go down as the most ridiculous lie of 2016. (Not that we should be forgetting how President Obama won biggest lie of the year in 2013 – “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”)

The White House even recorded the lie for posterity:

This is wrong in so many different ways, it’s hard to know where to begin. So I’m just going to let a few Internet folks express my outrage first.


And now, read as Dana Loesch explains why this is simply an outright lie meant to enflame and mislead Americans on gun control.

You can’t order a gun on the Internet and have it shipped to your house all Amazon Prime-like. If you purchase online you must go to an FFL and the transaction is only completed after you pass your background check in the store. I’ve purchased several guns this way.

There is no such thing as a “loophole.” Everything is regulated. I’ve written at length on this:

Background checks already exist for purchases made online. Newsflash to Manchin: When you purchase guns online they aren’t shipped to your house like an Amazon delivery. They must be shipped to a FFL where you then go, fill out a 4473, get your background check, and if cleared, you can take it home. Period. This law already exists. You cannot carry a firearm, much less purchase one, if you are a prohibited possessor be it at a store, gun show, or Internet. Period. It’s already regulated.

Folks, President Obama (and other liberals) don’t care how they accomplish their goals of overwhelming government power and control. They only care that they accomplish those goals. So if they have to lie, cheat, steal and act immorally as a general rule, so be it, as long as they get their goals passed. This is simply the latest example of that truism.

*Article by Onan Coca


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