Home»Commentary»West Virginia: Committee Approves Campus Self-Defense Act

West Virginia: Committee Approves Campus Self-Defense Act

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Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance Senate Bill 10, the Campus Self-Defense Act, to ensure that law-abiding adults are not stripped of their right to self-defense when they cross an arbitrary boundary onto a college campus. It now goes to the Senate floor for further consideration. Please contact your state senator and ask them to SUPPORT SB 10.

Senate Bill 10 allows law-abiding carry permit holders to carry on the campus of a state institution of higher education. Current state law does not prohibit carrying of a defensive firearm on campus, but institution policy may lead to expulsion or termination of employment. Adults who are officially licensed to carry a firearm for self-defense should not be prevented from doing so just because they seek higher education.

Article by NRA-ILA


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