Finally, Common Sense Gun Initiative: Ohio National Guard Facilities No Longer Gun Free Zones!
The current criminal administration continues to advance its unconstitutional an immoral agenda of what it calls “common sense” gun control. However, real common sense gun initiatives are taking place all over the country now. One of those initiatives is occurring in Ohio, where all National Guard facilities are now no longer gun free zones.
The Columbus Dispatch reports:
The men and women trusted by this nation to use heavy weaponry in battle to defend this nation may now defend themselves by carrying firearms at the state’s 72 Guard facilities. This policy shift follows a security review and update ordered by Gov. John Kasich in the wake of the July terrorist shooting of military personnel at a Navy Reserve center in Tennessee by a Kuwaiti-born gunman. One of the five killed was a Navy petty officer from Ohio; another was a Marine whose father is a central Ohioan.
Maj. Gen. Mark E. Bartman, adjutant general of Ohio, announced the change on Dec. 18, saying, ” We must take necessary action to protect our members.”
Also on Friday, four storefront recruitment offices reopened, after having been moved to nearby armories after the Chattanooga shootings. The centers are in Columbus, Dayton, Findlay and Painesville.
It’s a very smart move seeing that 92% of all mass shootings take place in gun free zones. Additionally, though soldiers are trained with firearms, it was Bill Clinton’s approval to an unconstitutional designation of military facilities being gun free zones that can ultimately be pointed to as to why the Chattanooga shooting and the Washington Navy Yard shooting even occurred.
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Now, since Kasich has shown the guts to ignore federal gun laws, he should continue that down to the citizens he serves and ignore other unconstitutional gun laws. Furthermore, every governor of every state should do the same thing. It’s past time that the restrictions of government over the rights of the people to keep and bear arms be abolished completely. We don’t need a government to keep us safe. We can do that just fine, thank you. We need government to do what we have given them limited authority to do on our behalf, and nothing more.
Guns are like nukes. You have them just in case, but you hope that by having them, you never have to use them. The same could be said of this measure. The fact that National Guard facilities in Ohio are now armed is a warning to anyone that might try to enter and attempt a mass shooting. They will rethink their plan and go elsewhere, but the objective has been met.
This is a step in the right direction! Let’s see government recognize where it has overstepped its bounds not only with the Guard, but with law-abiding citizens and remove their tyrannical pretended legislation and recognize the God-given rights of the people.
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